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Unclaimed Lottery Prizes

Check out the list of currently unclaimed Irish lottery prizes to see any major prizes that have still not been paid out.

National Lottery prizes in Ireland must be claimed within 90 days of a draw taking place. After this deadline, it is not possible to receive winnings.

The boxes below show the current unclaimed prizes, with those expiring soonest first. Take a look to see if you are one of the missing winners.

Telly Bingo - Friday 21st Mar 2025
  • 2
  • 12
  • 26
  • 29
  • 33
  • 51
  • 57
  • 59
  • 60
  • 62
Prize Tier: Snowball
Claim By: 19th June 2025
Prize Value:
Area Purchased:

Unclaimed prizes last updated: 21/03/2025.

If you believe you have a winning entry, follow the instructions on how to claim a lottery prize while your entry it still within the 90-day claim period.

If you can’t find your entry that you believe has won a prize, or have one that is no longer intact, go to the Lost and Damaged Tickets page to learn what you should do.

What Happens To Unclaimed Prizes?

Once the 90-day deadline for winning tickets has expired, the money from unclaimed prizes is returned to the National Lottery to promote its games.

The aim is to attract more players so that more entries are sold for future draws, which will in turn raise funds for good causes. Around €0.30 from every €1 spent on games goes towards worthy projects across Ireland in various sectors, including sports, health, heritage and the arts.

The previous licensee of the National Lottery, An Post, donated unclaimed prizes straight to good causes rather than using the money promoting its games. When Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI) took over operations in 2014, there was still €16 million of historic unclaimed prizes in the vault and it was unclear what should happen to it. This money was later given to the Irish Exchequer when the National Lottery Regulator intervened to ensure that more money could be donated to good causes during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020.

Scratch Card Prizes

Scratch Card prizes are also used to promote National Lottery games if they remain unclaimed 90 days after the date that a game has ended. Visit the Scratch Cards page to view all current games and those expiring soon.